M U S E U M  O F I N D I A N  A R T S  &  C U L T U R EM U S E U M  O F  N E W  M E X I C O
Keystone of the Arch: The Stewart Collection


During the Depression era, the Laboratory of Anthropology, then a private museum, received an outstanding collection of weavings and jewelry from Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Stewart. The collection was was so outstanding that Jesse L. Nusbaum, museum director at the time, likened the "The Stewart Collection" to the keystone of an arch. To him, the objects comprised the essential component that united and immeasurably strengthened the Laboratory's early holdings.

The Keystone of the Arch: The Stewart Collection was curated by Louise I. Stiver, who was Curator at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture when she organized this exhibition. She is now the grants administrator for the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division.